Lt. Governor’s Most Outstanding Club Award

Grantville-Allied Gardens Kiwanis Club received two top honors at the October 3, 2020 Lieutenant Governor's Installation Zoom meeting.

2019-2020 Lieutenant Governor Craig Bratlien presented awards for highest participation in interclub meetings. This was a challenge among all clubs in Division 21 to attend meetings of other Kiwanis clubs, even if they were Zoom meetings. Our club not only participated, but took first place and the Gene Elmore Interclub trophy for 2019-20, showing our interest and involvement in our community, as well as others.  

The highest honor the Division can give is the Lt. Governor’s Most Outstanding Club Award. Grantville-Allied Gardens captured this prestigious award for 2019-2020. Lt. Governor Craig Bratlien felt that our club deserved this award because, in spite of the ongoing pandemic, we made every effort to be a vibrant, growing community leader in our neighborhood. He noted that we make continuous effort  helping our student leader members, held lively and entertaining Zoom meetings every week, with wonderful guest speakers from all over the State.  This year we continued giving Student of the Month awards to local students, collected thousands of dollars for Rady Children’s Hospital, helped deliver Meals On Wheels, displayed American flags on Waring Road on major holidays, and as many community service projects as social distancing restrictions would allow.  We even managed to add four new members to our group, in spite of not having in-person meetings.

Our Club President Alan Young was honored for how well he has led the club this year and congratulated Grantville-Allied Gardens Kiwanis Club as this year’s Most Outstanding Club in Division 21.



2019-2020 Distinguished Club Award

Crag  Bratlien, 2019-2020 Lieutenant Governor for Division 21, recently presented us with the 2019-2020 Distinguished Club Award. Kiwanis International gives “distinguished” awards to individual Kiwanis clubs that meet established criteria that demonstrate special dedication to service, membership strength and Kiwanis education. We were also given a Distinguished Club patch for our banner. This is a great honor and we appreciate being recognized for our service to Kiwanis and our community!


Past Recipients of the John Peterson Kiwanian of the Year Award

1965  Bob Frankhouser*

1966  Donald M. Small*

1967  Paul Christman*

1968  Dr. Albert C. Heck*

1969  Bill Larson*

1969-70  Ray Grayson

1970-71  Jack Scott*

1971-72  Cal Pancheri

1972-73  Ken Abel*

1973-74  John Peterson*

1974-75  Dr. Floyd Lee*

1975-76  Bill Hoover*

1976-77  Jim MacDonald*

1977-78  Mickey Walker*

1978-79  Gene Stuber*

1979-80  Claude A. Townsend*

1980-81  John Chandler

1981-82  Jim Moon*

1982-83  Gene Elmore

1983-84  Boyd Sauter

1984-85  Jim MacDonald*

1985-86  J.B. Harward

1986-87  Carl Geissert*

1987-88  Ray Ryman*

1988-89  Harold Dickstein*

1989-90  John Chandler

1990-91  Dave Anfangar*

1991-92  Dan Harrington*

1992-93  Tom Fields*

1993-94  Hal Black*

1994-95  John Chandler

1995-96  Don Lydy*

1996-97  John Peterson*

1997-98  Kathy Culver

1998-99  Terry Shanklin

1999-00  Jack Scott*

2000-01  Duane Cornett

2001-02  Dr. Doug Grosmark

2002-03  Kevin Stone

2003-04  Norm Malkowski

2004-05  John Crawford

2005-06  Tom Bach

2006-07  Dave Erlanson

2007-08  Dorothy Dougherty*

2008-09  Don Lydy*

2009-10  Luisa Moore

2010-11  Kathy Butterstein

2011-12  John Peterson*

2012-13  Gary Blume 

2013-14  Mary Haas

2014-15  Kathy Wiskur

2015-16  John and Pam Chandler

2016-17  John Crawford

2017-18  Dave Erlanson

2018-19  Gary Blume 

2019-20  Alan Young 

2020-21 John Chandler

2021-22 Jack Scott* (presented posthumously)

2022-23  Gary Blume